Strategies for Success
Partnering with parents for progress!
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Carol Regli, OTR, OTD brings 34 years of experience to help parents develop learning solutions and a path to success for their child. Her work as an occupational therapist, her experience as a parent and a foster parent, and her drive to investigate and research has uniquely equipped her to use multiple frames of reference to step back and see the big picture. She will partner with you to develop a progress plan.
My Story - Carol Regli, OTR, OTD
Parent Comments
I knew from a young age that I liked to help people and make a difference whether it was at home or at a job. My interest in becoming an occupational therapist grew when I was in high school. I attended the OT program at Kansas University graduating with honors January of 1989. After my children were grown, I returned to school to pursue a post-professional occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) through TTUHSC, graduating in August of 2023.
My occupational therapy resume is very diverse including school-based OT, skilled nursing, early childhood intervention, and homeschool charter school therapy. I have been at Harbor Leadership Academy for 10 years providing Unyte-iLs Focus Programs, reading intervention, executive function assistance, pre-vocational training, and consultation for students with learning differences. I have taken numerous continuing education classes in ASD, iLs, sensory integration, emotional and mental health issues, job coaching, and child development. I am also on the board of Community Independence of Texas, a non-profit organization with the mission of developing a long-term, semi-independent living community for adults with level 1 ASD. I am constantly investigating and researching to learn about things that may help my friends and clients.
On a parallel path, I am a wife of 34 years and a mother of 5 children ranging in age from 22 to 31. Through the years I have had to learn and grow to meet the needs of my children. I have served in children's ministry at church teaching Sunday School and Awana for 23 years. We have had years of homeschool, private school, and public school. In pursuit of excellence, I have investigated and used various curriculums and taken training classes in specialties like Phono-graphix and Institute for Excellence in Writing. I have also experienced the joys and challenges of navigating the foster care system and becoming an adoptive parent. Because of this, I have taken classes in attachment theory, parenting and adoption, and mental health issues. As a constant learner, I have a unique breadth of knowledge and experience, which I gathered to benefit my family and friends.
Now that my children are more independent, I decided the time is right to launch Strategies for Success in order to use what I have learned professionally and personally to help families as they navigate the often challenging journey of life. I have a unique perspective overlaying my different life experiences with my occupational therapy background. I am able to look at information from many different perspectives... child development, educational, psychological, medical, and family dynamics... and view the big picture which is sometimes overlooked. I have years of experience working with children with learning differences and specialized training to help them succeed. Let me put my knowledge to work for you!
Education and Specialization
2023 OTD, Doctor of Occupational Therapy. TTUHSC
2017 Texas Parent-to-Parent- Personal Network Training
2016 Integrated Listening Advanced Practioner- Level 1
2015 Job Skills Trainer/Job Coach Training - UNTWISE
2014 iLs- Interactive Language Program
2014 iLs- Autism Specialist Training
2012 Integrated Listening Systems practitioner
2001 IEW- Teaching Writing: Structure and Style
1999 Certified Phono-graphix Reading Therapist
1989 BS, Occupational Therapy, Kansas University
“As parents, my husband and I, have spent the past 18 years looking for ways to help our son Jacob. We knew early on that things were different for him, but even with early intervention, we were unable to get a diagnosis beyond Developmentally Delayed. When Jacob was 14 he was finally diagnosed with Autism and an Intellectual Disability. Jacob had already been receiving Occupational and Speech therapies for the past 10 years and we had seen some progress, but he continued to struggle with communicating and moving beyond a 3rd-grade educational level. It wasn’t until we met Carol Regli that we were able to see a possible way to break through this barrier. We noticed a difference in Jacob almost immediately. After just a few sessions of iLs, Jacob began to engage more with his brothers. Prior to using the Integrated Listening System (iLs), Jacob would pipe in with a funny joke, but it would be 10 minutes or more after the joke would have been appropriate. After he began his therapy, he was processing the information much faster and able to respond and be part of the conversation. Jacob also began to take an interest in subjects beyond his one obsession, Star Wars. He taught himself how to use Google and look up information when he didn’t understand a topic discussed. Jacob would then remember what he learned and for the first time was able to come back to the group and offer some insight. This was huge for our family. We are so proud of him and all he has accomplished. He has graduated high school and is currently working in a retirement home assisting residents. Our family will always be grateful to Carol Regli and iLs for helping our son unlock his potential."
-Chrissy L.
Assistant Principal--Program Coordinator
Harbor Leadership Academy
Leander, TX
“The addition of iLs into my teenage son's development has helped him better cope with stressful situations that would have normally caused him to get frustrated and shut down. Mrs. Regli has helped him find the words to express his frustration and learn ways to deal with people in situations that are socially acceptable and will enable him to keep a job. The perspective that Mrs. Regli has provided give me tools to use at home when situations arise. Rather than enabling my son, I can help him see situations differently and work towards solutions."
-Kim from Round Rock, TX
“My 3rd grade son has been doing iLs for about 15 months. It is hard to remember all of the changes that have happened. He is eating and sleeping better. His communication (i.e. appropriately expressing his feelings) has improved. He’s become more coordinated – when we started the program he was unable to perform most bilateral exercises including riding a bike. Now he can perform nearly all of his bilateral exercises and is quickly able to learn new bilateral activities like swimming and playing soccer. He was unable to play age appropriate games before, preferring video games and Disney movies, but now he actually now enjoys some of the games Ms. Regli plays with him. When we began he could not complete multi-step activities without a lot of prompting, Finally, just in time for the holidays, he watched a step-by-step YouTube tutorial and drew Santa, and my momma heart exploded! iLs has allowed me to be more involved in my son’s development. It might not always be fun, but it is most definitely worth the time and money.
I’ve been working with Ms. Regli for about 15 months. She is a true ROCKSTAR! Not only has she been instrumental in facilitating iLs, but she has helped me advocate for my son in school. She is always willing to lend a listening ear and offer advice/suggestion to help me resolve any issues or plateaus. I work with about half a dozen therapists/teachers, and she is always THAT therapist I turn to when I need help.
-Megan from Leander, TX
“Several of my students have worked with Mrs. Regli on iLs and Executive Functions over the years. The increased awareness and social interaction I have observed in these students is so beneficial for academic and work success. Students have improved their ability to plan and manage their time to minimize stress and anxiety. She has pushed them to improve their work habits.
One particular student who completed an iLs program has shown significant improvement in his verbal communication, processing speed, and ability to participate in group activities. He has an increased awareness of "self" and the social world which has given him greater confidence in his abilities. He now is interested in having a job and working toward's a driver's license.
— Kim S.
High School Teacher
Harbor Leadership Academy
Leander, TX

Photo by www.mandychalman.com